Friday, October 19, 2012

Mountain Lion configuration for running Akamai CCUAPI

I use Akamai's Perl API for purging content quite frequently for my job and it worked fine until I upgraded to Mountain Lion.  Here are the steps to get it working again.

XCode Configuration

XCode is now a stand alone application and doesn't install the Command Line Tools by default. Here is how you get it configured.

1. Make sure you have the Apple Developer Tools Installed.
2. Launch XCode and bring up the Preferences panel.
3. Click on the Downloads tab and then click to install the Command Line Tools (otherwise CPAN cannot access a working version of make).

Install Perl Modules

Install the SOAP:Lite module

sudo env FTP_PASSIVE=1 perl -MCPAN -e 'install SOAP::Lite'

Install the Mozilla::CA module.
This is needed to handle security certificates.
sudo env FTP_PASSIVE=1 perl -MCPAN -e 'install Mozilla::CA'

And you are done!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Japanese format is WHAT?

Hopefully this little snippet of code will help someone else out. I needed to format some ruby text on an Android device where ruby text was not already supported. This is the CSS I used for WebKit on older Android devices. Hope it helps.

/* Ruby text*/
ruby {
/* border collapse mechanism will be used to adjust vertical alignment */
/* if ruby text contains text only and there are two ruby annotations
(one placed above the base and one below) then vertical centering roughly aligns baseline of
base with baseline of parent */
border-bottom:solid 0.75em transparent;
/* o.75em is height of ruby text (0.5000d7 1.2em = 0.6em)
plus space between baseline and text-bottom (about 0.15em)
this extra border is counter-weight used to restore vertical centering broken
by presence of ruby text (in case if there is only one ruby annotation,
if there are two annotations then counter-weight is no longer
necessary and can be annihilated using border collapse mechanism) */

ruby > rt, rtc
/* used to move first ruby container above the base */

ruby > rb, rbc, ruby > rt + rt, rtc + rtc
/* base and second ruby are formatted as table-rows */

ruby > rt + rt, rtc + rtc
/* if there are two annotations then extra border is no longer necessary
and can be annihilated using border collapse mechanism */

rb, rbc, rt, rtc
/* prohibits line breaks inside ruby text */

rtc > rt, rbc > rb
/* used to distribute annotations in table like manner */

rtc > rt[rbspan]

/* ruby text may span several cells */
ruby > rt, rtc
/* font-size of ruby text is reduced */
